Church Council Nominations

Published on April 10, 2024

In June 2023 the members of NewHope Baptist Church voted in three new members to Church Council, Monique Jaksic, Steve Stavridis and Brett Rice, while the position of Finance Director remained vacant. 

The Church Council appointed Craig Neilson as acting Finance Director at their meeting on 20 November 2023.

We are looking to endorse Craig as Finance Director at our next Annual General Meeting on Monday 27 May 2024.

Please remember to register to attend in-person or online. Registrations are important for both types of attendance to help with the voting process.

Two of our current Church Council Members, Amanda Carruthers and Darryn Hockley come to the end of their two year term and Church Council is delighted to announce that they have made themselves available for re-election. We are grateful for their commitment to continuity of leadership given the significant recent changes. 

Church Council will therefore nominate Amanda Carruthers in the position of Church Secretary and Darryn Hockley as Ordinary Member.

Members are welcome to nominate a member of NHBC for church council. Please read about THE NOMINATION PROCESS before you make the nomination to meet the requirements.

Nominations must be signed by three members of NHBC and submitted to Amanda Carruthers, our Church Secretary at no later than Sunday 12 May  11.59pm.

The Annual General Meeting will be held on 27 May at 7:30pm. You can view the agenda HERE.

If you have any queries, please contact

Thank you,
Surette Southwood – Executive Pastor

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