Updates & News.
17 March, 2025
Succession Journey Update
Hear the latest succession update from our Chair of Church Council, Tristan Ellett, as he chats with Associate Pastor, Sally Agostino, about what’s been happening over the last few months.
We are grateful for the hard-work and dedication of the NewHope Church Council and Senior Pastor Search Committee. Please watch the video to find out more.
28 January, 2025
Succession Journey Update
Wow, what an amazing church community we have. The prayers and support that NewHope’s succession journey has been receiving is deeply encouraging and affirming. The 24/7 Prayer season was a beautiful testament to our prayerful God-centered unity at NewHope. There has been a strong response from people sharing stories and words of wisdom, all of which have been received with heartfelt gratitude. This journey has been marked by a profound sense of unity, which has been something that has been important since we started this journey.
As shared at the NewHope Members’ meeting on 25th November, the SPSC remains dedicated to diligently advancing the search process. With the hard work going on, we have really appreciated the break over the Christmas holiday season.
The questions and input from members on 25th November were outstanding and really appreciated – thank you so much for all those who were part of this. We are collating a list of the questions, answers and comments regarding succession raised at the members’ meeting and will share this in the next few weeks as it was very encouraging and helpful, and we want those who could not make it to the meeting to have the benefit of also seeing this information as we continue journeying together.
We have received great feedback from our whole church community including (but not limited to) our church engagement forum, the church wide survey, chat with council sessions and, chat with SPSC sessions. This valuable input led to the creation and approval of the Senior Pastor Profile, enabling the SPSC to begin the search process.
Since advertising the role, the SPSC has received a very encouraging response, with a number of people expressing interest in becoming NewHope’s Senior Pastor. This interest has come not only from across Australia but also from various parts of the world. As we move forward, we continue to seek God’s wisdom during this important season.
Through a careful and prayerful discernment process, the SPSC is working closely with a select group of candidates as we together seek to discern God’s call for the Senior Pastor role. As candidates progress through the process, the team works with them to help achieve the best outcomes for NewHope, the individuals and their families. This will sometimes mean stepping back from the process or, at other times, going deeper. It is a challenging task that is being approached with great diligence and care.
This ongoing process is being managed thoughtfully, with updates and recommendations continually presented to the elected council members. The work and engagement involved is significant, requiring a substantial investment of time and effort from a dedicated team to ensure unity and alignment in all decisions made.
As we continue to carefully examine all aspects, we are now progressing to an even more focussed stage with a small number of candidates. We are seeking to align with God’s timeline (not a fixed schedule), trusting Him to open and close doors, while guiding us toward the right opportunities for further engagement.
The succession journey is a spiritual discernment assignment. We seek above all to attend to God’s presence, His wisdom and His power throughout every step of the process of selecting and putting to a members’ vote the recommendation for our next Senior Pastor.
The SPSC recently shared some reflections, which we felt led to share more broadly:
- Just as Moses didn’t want to be anywhere without God’s presence, so it is with us (Exodus 33:15-16). We want the things of God’s heart upon the hearts of his servants.
- As we seek to be in divine alignment with God’s divine assignment, we pray we will remain completely surrendered in every phase of the succession journey and search process, desiring above all to mirror God’s will and not ours. We will continue to trust God along the way and find that He pulled it off perfectly. (Psalms 37:5 TPT)
- “Never doubt God’s mighty power to work in you and accomplish all this. He will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request, your most unbelievable dream, and exceed your wildest imagination! He will outdo them all, for his miraculous power constantly energizes you. Now we offer up to God all the glorious praise that rises from every church in every generation through Jesus Christ—and all that will yet be manifest through time and eternity. Amen!” Ephesians 3:20-21 (TPT)
Whilst we would love to have final outcomes now, there is no fixed timeline for when the elected NewHope church council members will present a recommendation to members. We are trusting God and His perfect timing to provide and to continue to lead us through this process.
Rest assured, as soon as there is more information to share, we will communicate it promptly. In the meantime, if you do have questions or concerns that you would like to raise, please reach out to the elected council members either in person or via or the SPSC members in person or on It’s important that you feel confident in the work being done and the direction we are heading. Please let us know how we can support you or address any questions you may have.
Thank you for keeping us and this process in your prayers. We are committed to being united in all our decision-making, trusting that the Holy Spirit, our Fellow-Counsellor, is present with the SPSC and Church Council in every deliberation and decision (Acts 15:28).
In conclusion, we would encourage you to pray with us and for each other, the following prayer written by the apostle Paul:
“I pray that your love will overflow more and more, and that you will keep on growing in knowledge and understanding (discernment). For I want you to understand what really matters (what is excellent), so that you may live pure and blameless lives until the day of Christ’s return. May you always be filled with the fruit of your salvation – the righteous character produced in your life by Jesus Christ – for this will bring much Glory and Praise to God” (Philippians 1: 9-11 NLT)
In His Love,
NewHope Elected Church Council Members and Senior Pastor Search Committee Members
6 November, 2024
24-7 Prayer For Our Succession Journey
Prayer is an integral part of our Senior Pastor succession journey. We do not rely on our own wisdom, strength or plans, but on God’s. Our hope is in Him!
This year NewHope turns 73 years old. As we thank God for our past and embrace all He has in store for our future, we are inviting the church to a period of 73 hours of unceasing prayer from Thursday 28 Nov at 6pm to Sunday 1 Dec at 7pm.
We encourage you to find out more by downloading the flyer or visiting the Event page.
21 October, 2024
Update from the Senior Pastor Search Committee (SPSC)
Thank you so much for your prayers and support. During this season we are incredibly grateful to be called to serve in this role. If you have not read the earlier updates below we encourage you to do so, to be informed and up to date with the journey. It is wonderfully exciting to be in a churchwide season of prayer and fasting and we hope that you are hearing from God and that He is working in your heart as He is in ours. God is so good!
Since forming the SPSC in September we have been meeting fortnightly, and the alignment and heart of the team is incredible. The SPSC is full of vibrance and unity and our passion for the Senior Pastor search is so encouraging.
Deepening intimacy with our heavenly Father, through prayer, fasting, meditating on scripture and actively listening to and hearing His voice is central to the work of SPSC. We wanted to share some of these insights that we have been discussing together with you:
- SPSC and the whole church are to treat this process as a spiritual issue of the heart – for us, for NewHope, and for the communities in which we each serve. Like a cloche keeping in moisture and warmth while a seedling develops, we are to protect and nurture this process at every stage, allowing it to grow and develop deep roots, and not rushing it.
- Psalm 84 – we seek and pursue God’s sacramental presence to the exclusion of all else in everything we do (presence culture).
- A time for consecration: time and energy being intentionally set apart for the community and leadership to seek God, to see with God’s eyes, hear His heart for every task and assignment and to pay close attention to our own hearts.
- The dawning of a “New Day”: Isaiah 43:18-20. There is “more of God” for NewHope to prepare for and receive in this next season. See with prophetic insight (our spiritual eyes) to understand the times and seasons that God has set for us, including who He has chosen as the next senior pastor for NewHope.
- An opportune time to declare and pronounce blessings in the Name of Jesus over our next senior pastor, their family, calling, gifting, ministry and the ‘next’ of God for this person and God’s great plans for the church community and role that person may be leaving.
- Psalm 24 – A reminder that we come before the Great and Sovereign God. We declare that “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it”! How true this is, and how faithful He is.
- May God bring a deep and wonderful stillness and knowledge that the new senior pastor is exactly who God has selected. That they love God with an undivided heart, and are called to serve alongside all of us at NewHope, looking towards the wonderful plans God has in store.
We have been engaging with many potential candidates and potential senior pastor networks. We will continue to invite and encourage discussion, and to encourage hearing from and connecting with potential candidates. Formal interviews have not commenced and we continue to journey with people who are seeking to discern whether God is calling them to this exciting role. We anticipate the list will continue to grow before it shrinks, over time.
The call on an individual to be a Senior Pastor is significant and no small ask, so the sensitivity of this process and the deep impact is not lost on us. We believe strongly that God has already chosen the next Senior Pastor but we (NewHope) have a journey to go through to discern and hear His voice. We have felt a sense that this process may not be a short process (as much as we would love it to be for all the right reasons!) and we are leaning into what God has for us, both through the journey, and when we land at the destination!
It has been a very busy time for SPSC and we are doing everything we can to manage the expectations that we have not just for SPSC, but also the many other responsibilities that each person has (personal, relational, social, professional and others). Thank you so much for your prayers and support as we do our best to serve NewHope and assist Church Council in the search process.
What can I do?
- Continue to cover this season and process in prayer and pay close attention to how God is calling and stretching you and changing your heart. We have been wonderfully encouraged by the stories of members and friends who are being challenged and spoken to during this season of deep reflection, prayer and fasting. We trust that at the end of this process, if we are willing and open, there can be significant spiritual growth in each of our spiritual lives and more broadly across NewHope. You may want to consider for you during our succession journey (and in particular this prayer and fasting season) some of the questions that we have been asking ourselves: where is God using you? Is He calling you to go deeper? How are you being stretched, challenged, reassured? What may God be inviting you to during this season? What new season is God calling you into?
- Prayer over the work of SPSC and Council, and specifically for any potential candidates. Their position is unique and also very vulnerable, and moving forward with this process may involve a significant step of faith.
- If you are aware of anyone who may be a potential fit for our Senior Pastor (as per the information pack available here) or may have networks that we could connect in with we would love to hear from you. You can contact us in writing on
Similar to earlier “Chat with Council” sessions, the SPSC would like to make ourselves available for people to connect with. On Sunday 10 November 2024 between the morning services (~10:20AM to 10:55AM) and straight after the evening service (~6:20pm to 6:35pm) we will have an intentional opportunity to chat with members of the SPSC and ask questions or discuss things further. Please click here to view more details and to register, please register to let us know you’re coming and we will also do our best to be available for walks in’s. The meeting point will be at the NewHope reception desk. Please come and say hello and join with us and share what God has been teaching you during our prayer and fasting season. We really encourage you to use this time to connect with us, if this time really does not work or you have future questions or input please reach out to us on so that we can connect further.
Senior Pastor Search Committee (SPSC)
22 September, 2024
Search Phase Commencement
Greetings! It has been a wonderful season in the life of NewHope – God is good! The church council continues to work extremely hard on our succession journey and are very pleased to formally enter the Search phase as planned in the Key Stages below. As part of this we wanted to take some time to provide some more details and information to help keep us united.
We have received such incredibly positive feedback from the draft (v1.5) Senior Pastor Information pack – THANK YOU. We have also received some suggestions that Church Council has been working on incorporating as appropriate. We are pleased to now release this document (v2) as we embark on the formal Search process as per the timeline below. To assist, we’ve set up a landing page where interested candidates can access the final Pastor Profile: (this initial page may be updated further in the coming week).
As we begin a thorough search process, the Senior Pastor Search Committee (SPSC) is also actively seeking recommendations for potential candidates. We invite you to share any names for consideration, either directly with the SPSC or through the elected council members at
We are truly humbled by the unity that our NewHope community continues to display. Our Succession process is a spiritual discernment journey that God is leading us through. At this time, Church Council and our pastoral team are also calling the church to a season of prayer and fasting. Everyone is invited to set aside each Thursday as a time to fast and pray. This could be fasting for a single meal or the whole day, or you may choose to fast something other than food. If Thursdays don’t suit, please feel free to choose another day. This is an important opportunity for our whole church family to participate, as together we express our dependence on God.
The SPSC recently came together and shared the following, which we’d like to pass along to our entire community:
1. “I’ve posted watchmen on your walls, Jerusalem. Day and night they keep at it, praying, calling out, reminding God to remember. They are to give him no peace until he does what he said, until he makes Jerusalem famous as the City of Praise.” Isaiah 62:6-7 MSG. This is particularly relevant as we consider our Senior Pastor Search Committee (SPSC) (and the whole of NewHope) as watchmen. SPSC have further prayed together, “Help us to be kept humble and totally dependent on your guidance, being sensitive and obedient to your voice and your bigger picture. We ask for incredible wisdom in pursuing any search path. May we be filled with diplomacy and love as we engage with pastors, in addition to love for one another with resultant unity within our group. Amen.”
2. Nothing is impossible WITH God (Luke 1:37). The key word here is that we partner WITH God, not going ahead or lagging behind him, not taking matters into our own hands, but keeping in step WITH HIM all through the Succession process.
3. Divine Alignment before Divine Assignment. It’s never about asking: ‘Is God on our agenda?’ but rather asking ‘Are we on His agenda?’ This is true alignment when we hear God and act accordingly (see Joshua chaps 5-6).
4. We are to stay humble and tender-hearted (contrite heart) towards God and others, teachable, unified and standing in awe of His word. “My hand made these things so they all belong to me,” declares Yahweh. “But there is one my eyes are drawn to: the humble one, the tender one, the trembling one who lives in awe of all I say.” Isaiah 66:2 TPT
It’s important to also note that as always we are working very closely with Allan as he continues to lead our church faithfully and wisely. We are also engaging with the staff team in the succession process and receiving feedback from the BUV (Baptist Union of Victoria) and other leaders in our community that is so wonderfully positive.
This Succession website, serving as our communication hub, will continue to be updated. We’ll keep you informed of these updates through multiple channels, including NewHope’s fortnightly newsletters and other relevant platforms. If you haven’t yet seen the updates listed below, we encourage you to take a moment to review them.
Of course, if you do have any questions please speak to a member of council at any time or email let us know so that we can help.
4 September, 2024
Senior Pastor Information Pack – Congregational Feedback
We are very pleased to provide this Senior Pastor information Pack (version 1.5) here for you to download and review and provide your feedback. This pack has been put together with input from the NewHope family through various channels including our Church Engagement Forum in June 2024, Chat with Council Sessions throughout July, emails received and our Church Wide Survey.
We have been incredibly blessed with amazing input and feedback and we are inspired by the unity of our community. This pack is being made available for comments before being finalised and published. We have sought to highlight what makes NewHope so special and outline the opportunity that awaits our next Senior Pastor.
To provide feedback on this document, Chat with Council Sessions are available after the 9AM service on 8 and 15 September as well as after the 5PM service on 15 September. We encourage you to let us know you are coming by visiting the Chat with Council session on the Events webpage (
We really welcome your conversations and encourage you to engage so that we can continue together in unity. If you are not able to attend a Chat with Council session or if it would help, please email to share your feedback before 18 September 2024. The final version of this document will be made available after this time.
We deeply appreciate your prayers, contributions, and support as we navigate this important succession journey together.
4 September, 2024
Thank you so much to our whole community for your prayers and support. This succession journey is such an important time in the life of NewHope. In this journey we continue to be supported by and working closely with the BUV (in particular Rev. Daniel Bullock and Jonathan Stark who is the Head of Pastoral Leadership Support and Development at the BUV). Their support and encouragement is wonderful and a great blessing to us.
We likewise continue to receive such incredible support and encouragement and suggestions from our NewHope family. Thank you to all those who have been able to input to our succession journey.
The elected Church Council members have met with the NewHope staff team on several occasions as we seek to honour their important role in the life of NewHope and how succession impacts them. With the staff team we have connected together as each of us has shared our “head” and our “heart” to help each other appreciate our various challenges.
As always we are working very closely with our Senior Pastor Allan Demond as he continues to lead our church so faithfully and wisely whilst the succession process runs in parallel – we are so blessed to have Allan as our leader and look forward to celebrating Allan and Janet and their family’s service to NewHope (more details on this will be coming).
We are very pleased to share that in preparation for the Search Process (as listed in the “Key Stages”) the Senior Pastor Search Committee has recently started preparations. This committee is made up of members of the elected Church Council who are responsible for overseeing the succession process plus a selection of members representing the generations of ministries of NewHope each with their own unique skills. The Senior Pastor Search Committee (SPSC) currently includes: Tristan Ellett (Chair), Steve Stavridis (Vice Chair), Amanda Carruthers (Secretary), Brett Rice, Priya De Mel, Annie Pittendrigh and Peter Siede. We encourage you to keep this important group in your prayers particularly over the next season. The SPSC will be working with many people in our community as needed to resource their search work as required and any offers of help are always gratefully received. The SPSC are responsible for the search process and will provide potential candidate names to the whole elected church council members who will then come to the members when ready for a vote as per our constitution.
This succession webpage provides a great deal of detail around the succession process, including FAQs and we encourage you to continue to engage with this information. Should you have any questions at any time and are not able to attend a Chat with Council session you can reach out on
26 August, 2024
Church Council is grateful for all the input given to our succession process so far. We are getting closer to finishing the Pastor Search Profile, which will be made available for feedback from our church family in September before being published for public circulation shortly after.
Please watch the video for the latest succession update from our Chair of Church Council, Tristan Ellett.
17 July, 2024
The NewHope Baptist Church Senior Pastor Succession Congregational Survey has gone out via email this week.
This is an opportunity for all members and supporters of NewHope to contribute to our succession journey. The data received will build upon inputs already collected and will help in building our Church Profile and Senior Pastor Profile, as well as our overall succession journey.
If you didn’t receive your survey, please check your spam folder and look for the sender via SurveyMonkey. If you still don’t see it, please contact reception to make sure we have your correct details on our system at or 9890 7999. Paper copies will be available at reception for those who don’t have email or don’t feel confident with a digital version.
The survey will close on Wednesday the 31st of July at 11:59pm. We appreciate you taking the time to complete this survey.
3 July, 2024
You are invited to Chat with Council. This is an intentional opportunity on selected Sundays to chat with members of Church Council and ask questions or discuss the succession journey further.
Those attending the morning gatherings are invited to come see us at the NewHope reception desk between services (10:20am to 10:55am) starting on Sunday the 14th of July. You can view all dates and register here to secure a Sunday that suits or feel free to drop by when it works best for you.
Those attending the 5pm service are encouraged to stay on for the Lounge on Sunday the 21st of July where members of Council will be present to connect with anyone who’d like to ask questions or have a conversation together.
20 June, 2024
We are thrilled to share an update from our Church Engagement Forum on Wednesday the 19th of June. What an incredible night! Over 160 of you joined us, and the energy in the room was simply amazing. From the heartfelt worship to the insightful sharing and the BUV facilitation, the spirit in the room was truly uplifting. The church council felt deeply encouraged by the entire process.
We received wonderful feedback and valuable input from everyone present – thank you! We are now carefully processing all of your contributions. We will also use the input captured to create a comprehensive church-wide survey, which will help us gather even more information, and provide an input opportunity to those who couldn’t make the event.
Stay tuned, as we will be reaching out in the coming weeks with further updates. Let’s be continually praying for wisdom and unity as we discern together as a church family. Thank you for being part of this exciting journey!
“Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. Glory to him in the church and in Christ Jesus through all generations forever and ever! Amen.” Ephesians 3:20–21 NLT
-NewHope Church Council
9 June, 2024
On Sunday, Pastor Allan shared plans to conclude his role as Senior Pastor in June of 2025, after 30 years of faithfully serving our NewHope family. You can view the announcement video if you missed it.
We receive this news with much gratefulness to Allan for his wonderful service and leadership. There is much to celebrate and much to process. We look forward to walking this path together as we celebrate Allan and Janet, and seek the Lord for NewHope’s future.
Together as the body of NewHope, we embark on this important journey of transition together. As your church council, we are committed to providing valuable information and insights to guide our community through this pivotal season. The information below will give you some insights to the journey we have taken thus far, give you peace for the future, and hopefully answer questions that come to mind in the interim.
We welcome your contribution. Please send questions and feedback to
1. Discussions around the topic of succession planning between Church Council and Allan have been in place for several years now. We have been seeking God throughout the process and believe that it’s time to move forward.
2. At the Budget and Vision Members’ Meeting in November 2023, Senior Pastor succession planning was named overtly and the church was invited to pray for this specifically.
3. In a series of meetings in 2023 and early 2024 Church Council and Allan have been seeking God’s direction for NewHope for the future. With the Council being attentive to their governance responsibilities, and Allan attending to his pastoral calling, we have come to a clear sense of unity.
4. In mid-2025 Allan will mark 30 years of service at NewHope. With the Church Council’s blessing Allan will step down as Senior Pastor at that time.
5. We want to make this announcement together and at this early stage with our whole community, so that together we can:
- Pray for our future – what is God calling us to (Proverbs 16:3);
- Appreciate Allan – his incredible years of service, passion, and strength of leadership through Christ, is something that we continue to aspire to model; and
- Publicly begin and complete the critical process of succession with plenty of time.
6. In saying all of this, we are hesitant in setting fixed timelines towards achieving key milestones at this point in time. We know God has NewHope’s new Senior Pastor firmly in mind, and that God is readying their heart to serve here. We are trusting in God’s good, pleasing and perfect will and timing to open and close doors. We want to move through this stage of the journey together, as a NewHope community.
7. The appointment of a Senior Pastor is something which will be voted on by all Members of NewHope, with the elected church council members leading this process with the support, input and engagement of our whole community.
8. Now that we have shared this with everyone we are inviting all of NewHope to join with us in prayer for what God has in store for NewHope. God’s will is absolutely vital in all of this (Psalm 127:1). Some things we recommend praying for:
- Thanking God for Allan and Janet, and NewHope;
- Thanking God for life’s seasons of change (Psalm 107:1); and
- Asking God for His wisdom to be imparted on all of us as we embark on this process.
9. We want to do this process well and with excellence, honouring God, honouring NewHope (and all the people NewHope is involved with) and honouring Allan and Janet (Romans 12:10).
10. Whilst Allan has been NewHope’s leader, he also leads a team of almost 40 staff and supporting them is vitally important. We invite you to also prayerfully cover the NewHope staff in this process.
11. In summary: today Allan is our Senior Pastor and will continue to be our Senior Pastor with Council’s full support until the succession process is complete, or unanimously agreed to.
12. Simultaneously, the church council, members of NewHope and the community will progressively undertake the succession process to help identify a suitable candidate for the new Senior Pastor role for the future (2025).
13. On 19 June 2024, church council will hold a Church Engagement Forum (facilitated by Rev. Daniel Bullock, Director of Mission & Ministries at the Baptist Union of Victoria and also a previous pastor at NewHope) to allow for a church wide interaction. An opportunity for valued input by the NewHope community on the characteristics and type of Senior Pastor we are seeking. This is an important opportunity for our community to be part of the process. For those not able to attend, there will be an opportunity to provide input electronically post the evening.
Key Stages
A great level of detail has been and continues to be worked on by church council however the below provides a high-level summary of the key processes

June 9th 2024
- Share news & opportunity
- Growth of prayer incorporating congregation

From June 19th 2024
- Church workshop (facilitated by BUV)
- Ongoing NHBC input
- Church Profile finalised
- Pastor Profile finalised
- Application process finalised
- Pastoral search sub-committee begins

From September 2024
- Advertisement
- Invitation for names
- Candidates apply
- Shortlisting
- Interviews conducted
- Decision to bring recommendation to members

The Call
From November 2024 – 2025
- Members’ meeting to consider and vote on recommendation
- Start date agreed
- Announcement
- Formal appreciation of Allan
- Transition period commences
Frequently Asked Questions
Allan - are you ok? Are you retiring? What will you do? Will you stay at NHBC?
Do we intend to have a crossover in employment between Allan and the next Senior Pastor?
The specific workings of the transition process will be dependent on many factors that are not yet known so answering this at this early stage is difficult except for acknowledging the importance of a clear transition process to a new Senior Pastor.
Will the new Senior Pastor come from within our existing community?
Is Council worried about anything, any fears?
“God has not given us a spirit of fear, but one of power, love, and sound judgement” (2 Tim 1:7) and therefore any fears that we identify are given to God, Who is our Lord and provider for everything: we are pleased to know that nothing is impossible for Him (Matthew 19:26)!
At this stage the importance for unity is vital. We seek to be transparent and clear to everyone at all times. We appreciate that things may move more quickly or more slowly than expected, however with constant communication and clarity we are trusting in God’s timing (not our timing) and that God already is paving the way.
Will there be a thank you for Allan and Janet?
I'm still processing Allan’s announcement, and am now being asked to turn my attention to succession. Are we moving too quickly?
As was communicated at the 19 June Church Engagement Forum, we consider it important to welcome the church’s engagement from the outset. This is in line with the BUV’s recommendation, and was also planned for when the BUV’s Director of Mission and Ministries would be available to facilitate this important event.
We will be journeying through succession together, and if you missed our forum, there will be a follow-up church wide survey for you to provide input into the process.
Everyone in our community will be approaching the succession journey from different viewpoints and with different preparedness for engagement, and this is completely OK. This does not mean that everyone will be ready to discuss in the same way (ie. some may be still coming to terms with Allan’s announcement) but we want to engage our community from the very beginning.
We are also committed to honouring Allan and will have opportunities to celebrate together as we journey through this year.
Throughout this process, a big focus is the word “Unity”. We share this with you as it’s just so important that we are Unified.
In our FAQs, we have listed 9 prayer points and we would love for you to pray with us to help unite us together. If you would like to do this with others in the NewHope family, we hold regular prayer meetings which you are welcome to join.
Why are you advising this now, when change may be a long way off?
If I want to help in this process what can I do?
You can absolutely help – there is much to do. Some specific things include praying and participating in the various forums that will be organised to gather input and to celebrate. Our first forum will be held on 19th June.
If you would like to be more involved please let council know by speaking to a member of council and putting things in writing to council at
How has Council been preparing for this process?
Will the Baptist Union of Victoria be involved?
Will there be a change to the Mission Vision and Values of NewHope?
What is Allan going to do before he finishes as Senior Pastor?
Will NewHope’s strategic plans and execution focus be changing?
Will there be any changes to our current staff structure?
Will there be opportunities for me personally to provide feedback or input on the qualities I’d like to see in the next senior pastor at NewHope? Or to suggest someone specific? Will I also have an opportunity to provide input on the direction or focus of NewHope under new leadership?
The entire NewHope congregation will have an opportunity to give feedback on the qualities desired in the next senior pastor and the direction/focus of NewHope. You may well have some specific ideas about what would be essential or desirable in the new senior pastor, or you might have a specific person you want to suggest to the Search Committee. That’s great, and we welcome your contribution. Our first planning forum will be held on 19th June at NewHope.
Input will also be collected through surveys and a designated succession email address, for you to submit your feedback. Please send questions and input to
What about prayer? What should I be praying for? Will I have an opportunity to collectively pray with others at NewHope?
Absolutely. We are told that we should “not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God” (Phillippians 4:6). Prayer is integral in this season, and the reason why we want our community to be part of this process in its early stage.
Here are some topics you may wish to incorporate into your prayer:
- Guidance: wisdom for council, leadership, and the incoming senior pastor.
- Discernment: discerning God’s will and direction for the future of NewHope. For individuals involved in succession, council and leadership, prayer for clarity, insight and a spirit of discernment to identify the right person for NewHope.
- Unity: for unity and harmony within NewHope during the transition period. Asking for His grace to unite our hearts and minds, fostering us to have one heart, mind, and spirit of cooperation and mutual support.
- Allan: express gratitude, blessing and affirmation for Allan’s years of service at NewHope, and ask for God’s richest blessings upon Allan and Janet as they transition to their next season.
- Incoming Senior Pastor: ask for His guidance in the selection, preparation, provision, protection and empowerment for the future new Senior Pastor of NewHope, and that God blesses their transition too.
- Healing and renewal: as it is a time of transition, individuals at NewHope and staff may experience feelings of loss, anxiety or uncertainty. Ask God for His healing, comfort, strength, peace and joy to be upon those who are struggling.
- Congregation: lift each other up and for God’s grace to sustain NewHope through the transition. Petition for strength, resilience and a deepening of faith as NewHope navigates this change together, as one body united through Him.
- Future: ask for God’s blessing upon each of our ministries, outreach efforts and growth opportunities. Hope and confidence in God’s faithfulness to lead us into a new and rich season of ministry.
- Open hearts and minds: for NewHope to prepare in anticipation for the future, for open hearts and minds, preparing the community to embrace the leadership and vision of the new Senior Pastor with enthusiasm and receptivity.
An opportunity for you to participate in regular collective prayer will be established and will run throughout the transition process. Details will follow shortly.
How will the Church Council address any concerns or uncertainties I may have about the transition process?
Will there be any changes to NewHope's budget or financial planning process as a result of this succession process?
NewHope’s finance committee is reviewing the budget to accommodate any financial adjustments necessitated by the succession process. There may be some adjustments to the church’s budget to accommodate the transition. This process will be conducted transparently, with input from church council and appropriate financial advisors.