Giving Platform Change

Published on April 24, 2024

Planning Center (our Church Management Software) has just launched Church Center Giving in Australia. This system fully integrates with our database and app, and offers lower transaction fees as well as rigorous data security. We have begun our transition to Church Center Giving, and will phase out PushPay over the next 2 months. 

In the Lord’s good timing, the launch of Church Center Giving in Australia comes just as our old giving platform, PushPay, has begun to run into issues, with several online transactions failing over the last three weeks. We’ve been in touch with those impacted by failed transitions, but if you run into any difficulties with your online giving, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We’ve also been in contact with PushPay, who haven’t been able to resolve the matter. 

Though we always encourage Direct Debit giving as this incurs no transaction fees, we recognise the ease and convenience that comes with an online platform, and we are excited to move to this new platform that offers great support, substantial budget savings and trusted experience.

The new Church Center Giving platform is accessible at or via the Church Center App or by clicking any give button on our church website. 

Need help? Read the quick Give Online Help Article or watch the video.

We also encourage everyone to check their PushPay accounts and close any pending transactions. This can be done via the PushPay website, app or email

We are so grateful for your faithful giving!

If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to our Finance Team at

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