See what God can do through your generosity
Stewardship enfolds all of life. When we sacrifice our time and serve others with our unique skills and God given gifts, we can make a significant kingdom impact. This pleases God and it is an important part of our discipleship. The Holy Spirit will guide you as you work out prayerfully where to invest your time and talents. You can explore opportunities to serve at
The simplest practical approach to regular faithful giving, is to organise a weekly or monthly direct debit gift to NewHope. This is our twenty first century way of fulfilling Paul’s invitation in 1 Corinthians 16:2 – “On the first day of every week, each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with your income”. See how to set up regular giving below.
Regular Giving
NewHope is transforming our community with the love of Jesus. We are committed to unleashing abundant compassion in a hurting world as we build up followers of Jesus and offer life changing ministries. Your financial support and generosity make this possible. Thank you!
NewHope Local

Give Direct
Name NewHope
BSB 033113
A/C 117679
Ref name + congregation

Give Online
Set up recurring giving or give a one-off gift via Church Center.*
NewHope Global

Give Direct
Name NewHope
BSB 033113
A/C 117679
Ref name + global

Give Online
Set up recurring giving or give a one-off gift via Church Center.*
NewHope Tax Deductible Fund

Give Direct
Name NewHope
BSB 033113
A/C 168273
Ref full name

Give Online
Set up recurring giving or give a one-off gift via Church Center.*
*Please note giving via Church Center charges NewHope a small fee. Where possible, we recommend giving direct.
Giving via a Discretionary Trust
Please note that NewHope Baptist Church can claim back franking credits from the Australian Taxation Office where you give via your Discretionary Trust and where the distribution includes a component of franked income.
Please provide Surette Southwood with your Trust Distribution Statement via
Camp Sponsorship
As a part of our generations ministries, we run various camps throughout the year. We don’t want there to be any reason for someone to miss out on camp. So let’s get together as a crazy generous church family and give to our Camp Sponsorship Fund.
This fund is open year round so there’s no need to wait for camp season.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the NewHope Local (Ministry) Fund?
NewHope Local (Ministry) supports the worship gatherings for the English, Chinese and Farsi speaking congregations, the generational ministries, pastoral care & prayer, outreach & Alpha and resourcing staff, communications, production, IT and facilities.
What is the NewHope Global (Mission) Fund?
NewHope Global (Mission) partners are NewHope members on the frontline of international cross-cultural mission. Nations we are impacting include Thailand, South-East Asia, a West African nation, Nepal and Central Australia.
Find out more about NewHope Global at
What is the NewHope Tax Deductible Fund?
We care for our community by loving God, loving each other and serving the world. We provide relief care, developmental care and advocacy care to all people experiencing need to empower them to transform their lives. Your generous support is greatly appreciated.
Your gift will be allocated where most needed.
How do I give to NewHope Community Care?
If you’d like to give to NewHope Community Care please visit
What is the most cost effective way for the church when I make a gift?
Direct deposit into the bank account of the church as NewHope won’t pay any processing fees
How do I give with my credit or debit card?
On the Give page via Give Now buttons or through the Church Center App.
What credit or debit cards can I use?
Visa, MasterCard or AMEX.
I want to make a gift to NewHope Local to support the ministries of NewHope Baptist Church, what bank account do I use for the direct deposit?
Account name: NewHope Baptist Church
BSB 033-113
A/C 117679
Ref: Surname
Can I get a tax deductible receipt for a gift to NewHope Local (Ministry) or NewHope Global (Mission)?
No, NewHope Baptist Church does not have DGR (Deductible Gift Recipient) status with the Australian Taxation office.
Can I make a tax deductible gift to NewHope at all?
Yes, you can.
Account name: NewHope Baptist Church Tax Deductible Fund
BSB 033-113
A/C 168273
Ref: First + Last name
I want to make a gift to NewHope Global to support the Global Mission Partners of NewHope Baptist Church, what bank account do I use for the direct deposit?
Account name: NewHope Baptist Church
BSB 033-113
A/C 117679
Ref: Surname + Mission
When do I get a tax deductible receipt?
Your annual tax deductible receipt is issued during the second week of July. It is either e-mailed to you or mailed out with Australia Post.
The detail on my annual tax deductible receipt is wrong. What do I do?
Please e-mail
Can I give through a trust?
Please note that NewHope Baptist Church can claim back franking credits from the Australian Taxation Office where you give via your Discretionary Trust and where the distribution includes a component of franked income. Please provide your Trust Distribution Statement to
Can I still give cash or per cheque?
Giving envelopes are available for cash, cheque or credit card contributions at the Reception Desk in the NewHope Community Centre foyer.
How can I give using my mobile?
Via the Give Now buttons on the give page or download the Church Center App and search for NewHope Baptist Church in Melbourne
Can I make a one-time contribution on Church Center (via the app or website)?
Yes. The system allows you the option of either making a one-time contribution or setting up a recurring contribution. For a one-time contribution, you can designate that the contribution should be made immediately or, for both one-time and recurring contributions, you can schedule the contributions to come out of your bank account on the date(s) specified by you.
If I want to set-up a recurring gift, what are my options for frequency of my gift?
For recurring gifts, you have the option of giving weekly, every other week, monthly or twice monthly.
How are tax deductible funds used at NewHope?
For the purposes of NewHope Community Care Inc. (our Public Benevolent Institution) as well as specific expenses of NewHope Baptist Preschool Inc. (i.e. rent) through the NewHope Baptist Church School Building Fund.
Can I review my donation history online?
Yes. Church Center will allow you to view the complete history of your contributions.
Can I change my personal information or the amount or the frequency of my gift once I have set it up?
Yes. You can change or cancel your contribution at any time before the date of your next contribution. Simply log in to Church Center and make the necessary changes in the system.
I have additional questions about online giving that have not been addressed. Who can I talk to?
For any questions, concerns or comments about the online giving system, please contact our Finance Manager, Sanette Wood, on or You will receive a response from our staff as soon as possible.
How do I set up a recurring payment online?
The process my differ slightly for each bank. Please refer to your bank for setting up recurring payments.
Is there a limit to giving on a tap point?
Yes, due to laws surrounding maximum amounts for tap to pay (without requireming a PIN) our tap donation points are capped at $99.
How do I give to NewHope through my will?
If you’d like to include NewHope in your will, please download and read this document.
If you’d like to start a conversation about giving through a will, please email