Become a Member of NewHope

Published on August 27, 2024

Have you considered becoming a member of NewHope Baptist Church?

Members are the ‘moral owners’ of NewHope. We have a delegation of authority from Jesus Christ, and we hold the power to make the most important decisions that affect NewHope’s culture and our shared future, including:

  1. Who will lead us – who will be our Senior Pastor and the members of Church Council?
  2. Where we are going – what is our vision and our plan?
  3. How will we use our resources, specifically our finances and our properties?
  4. What ‘rules’ will govern us (only a members meeting can change the constitution)?

It would be possible to organise the church in such a way that only a few people would make these major decisions and everyone else would simply follow. But our Baptist approach believes this highest level of authority should be held by all of us as we discern God’s direction and exercise faith together. 

NewHope is a ‘body’ not a ‘club’. In a club the members expect to get benefits for membership. In a body the ‘members’ belong to each other and expect to contribute value to the whole. Together we flourish! In the words of Paul the Apostle: “we are members together of one body, and sharers together in the promise in Christ Jesus.” (Eph 3:6) 

In this season, we invite you to explore membership.

NewHope’s Constitution gives clarity about the rules and expectations for membership. You may like to review this document to understand more about how NewHope is governed. 

If you are ready to explore membership, please visit Here you will find online training and information about believer’s baptism. If you have already been baptised at another church and wish to transfer your membership to NewHope, watch Module 5. 

You can also make an appointment to speak with a pastor. We would love to explore this next step of commitment with you.

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