Mission, Vision & Values

Our vision is simple…

At NewHope we faithfully participate in God’s mission in the world, embracing an abundant life of faith, hope, and love.

We join God’s mission by…



Proclaiming the Kingdom of God

God’s kingdom has come and is coming. The healing and righteous reign of the Creator has already arrived in Jesus Christ, AND it is yet to come in its fullness and all embracing supremacy. We are always seeking the kingdom in our daily experience, and waiting for it’s ultimate unfolding in the new creation as we pray, ‘your kingdom come’ (Matt 6:10).

Making Jesus known to all

Jesus’ cross and empty tomb are the centre of his extraordinary story of participation in God’s mission and we are invited to join ourselves to him by faith – to participate in Jesus’ death and resurrection – so we can live a new life. Jesus is our living hope. We delight to give witness to our experience of his love, peace, forgiveness and joy.

Making disciples who make disciples

Disciples are servants in God’s kingdom and learners who are being mentored by the living Lord, Jesus Christ. We practice habits of formation, inherited from centuries of tradition, that align our will and ways with God. Together, we go through hardships, share blessings and build each other up in faith. We seek to become more like Jesus and invite others into life-giving relationships.

As disciples, we each walk a unique path among different people in dynamic relational networks. As we participate in the way of Jesus, we live out this mission in a variety of contexts – as individuals, in families, at out vocation, in our community and in society.

People Matter Most

There is Always Hope

Grace Changes Everything

“I came that you may have life to the full”

– Jesus

Our Strategy

Each year we establish a program and ministry budget and a handful of strategic themes which help us fulfil our purpose and navigate towards our vision.

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