Sharing your faith is not as hard as you might think

And it could be the most important chat you ever have. If you’ve tried this in the past and failed or if you’ve just been too scared to have a go, this teaching series will help and encourage you. It is a wonderful thing to bear witness to the hope we have in Jesus. And it’s our responsibility as well.

In this series we will explore what the Bible says about ‘when’, ‘why’ and ‘how’ to be first rate witnesses. We will conquer some of our fears and encourage one another to grow God’s family. Below you will find some resources to help.

21 Days of Prayer

On Sunday the 16th of March, we will be launching 21 days of prayer for our witness. Each one of us will be encouraged to write down the names of people we’re journeying with, and commit to praying for opportunities to share Jesus with them.

Invitation Month

Following the 21 days of prayer, there will be several invitation opportunities, including church services throughout April, our Easter gatherings, and the Alpha Launch Night.

Sermon Study Guides

We are excited to launch a study series to support our Sunday sermons. Visit each week to find reflection questions and devotions. These resources are developed with Groups in mind and we invite you to join with others for discussion and encouragement.



Week 1: The Power of an Invitation - Ryan Vallee

The Power of an Invitation: An invitation can be a simple yet profound act that opens the door to transformation. Just as Jesus invited His disciples to “come and see,” we are called to extend this invitation to others, trusting that God will work through our willingness to share.

Watch the Sermon

Week 1 Sermon Study Guide

Week 2: We Are Witnesses - Allan Demond

We Are Witnesses: To be effective witnesses, we must have our minds opened by Jesus and be clothed with power from the Holy Spirit. Then we can stand boldly, bearing witness to the life, death, and resurrection power of Jesus Christ.

Watch the Sermon

Week 2 Sermon Study Guide

Week 3: Salt and Light - Sally Agostino

Salt and Light: Jesus’ declaration that we are the salt of the earth and the light of the world is not a conditional invitation but a definitive statement of our identity in Him. Our task is to let this light shine, to be visible and impactful in our daily lives, whether at home, work, or in our communities.

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Week 3 Sermon Study Guide

Week 4: Sticks and Stones - Allan Demond

Sticks and Stones: As we bear witness to Jesus, and participate in His mission to the world, we are invited to embrace suffering that is purposeful, unique, and redemptive.

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Week 4 Sermon Study Guide

Week 5: Giving an Answer - Lance Blythe

Giving an Answer: We are called to always be prepared to give an answer for the hope we have in Jesus. This is how we bear witness to His name, with the kind of gentle and respectful conversations that lead to consideration.

Watch the Sermon

Week 5 Sermon Study Guide

Week 6: Listening - Allan Demond

Listening: Good listeners make good witnesses. Today we will reflect on cultivating a posture of listening, both horizontally to those around us and vertically to the Living God.

Watch the Sermon

Week 6 Sermon Study Guide

Week 7: Serving - Lance Blythe

Serving: This week we explore the theme of true service that goes beyond random acts of kindness and speaks to the heart of what it means to be a family.

Watch the Sermon

Week 7 Sermon Study Guide

Week 8: Prophecy & Witness - Cath Livesey

Coming Up: Sunday 30 March, 2025

Did you know…

9 out of 10 people who attend any church meeting do so because a friend or family member invited them? And did you know that according to NCLS research, nearly ½ of Australians claim they would go to church if a good friend or a family member invited them personally? 

“…and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.

Acts 1:8

Alpha in Term 2

Through this term we will be promoting the Alpha Course. We have a goal to see record numbers participating in term two (May and June) as many churches across our nation come together for Mission25.

We are so excited to see what God will do as His church steps out in witness and invitation.

There’s still opportunity for many more people to join either as participants or leaders. Please use the form to express your interest.

Hear from Ryan Vallee of Alpha Australia and be inspired by the profound power of an invitation.

God Space

“Build deeper relationships and talk about the things that matter most”

Through this series, we will be making use of Doug Pollock’s book, God Space, to inspire and resource the church’s witness. Add this wonderful book to your reading list.

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