Youth Camp Highlights

Published on April 24, 2024

We had a joyous time at camp two weeks ago!

143 youth + leaders spent the week together pursuing God and enjoying community. Our guest speaker, Zeke Murley (Discovery Church), was a real highlight for many of our Youth. There were so many heart-warming stories of encounter with our living God and transformation in his presence! 

Here are just a few quotes from some of our youth:

“He has made me think more about how I can love more like Jesus.” Year 8

Jesus felt close to us.” Year 7

“On camp I feel that God was speaking to me and calling me to talk to some non-Christian friends about Jesus.” Year 10

“God has reminded me to look to him with all my worries because I know he’ll always be there.” Year 8

“God is good. He’s always with us. Hallelujah He reigns!!!” Year 12

Thank you to everyone who spent time praying for us. God showed up in beautiful ways in response to your prayers. Please continue to pray for our Youth.

66 of our youth committed to a next step on camp!

Many youth said that on camp they:
Said ‘yes’ to Jesus = 27
Recommitted to following Jesus = 18

Or they felt God was inviting them to:
Read their bible = 44
Get baptised = 11
Invite a friend to youth = 21
Share their faith with others = 32

Camp makes such a huge difference in the lives of young people. If you are able, please consider supporting Youth Camp financially. We make every effort to keep costs down, but we understand that camps are still not affordable for everybody. It’s a joy to be able to share that sponsorship support has enabled 23 people to be partially or fully sponsored on youth camp this year. We are so grateful for your continued generosity! Give HERE or explore more about Youth HERE.

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