Volunteer Opportunities at Koonung Secondary College

Published on July 30, 2024

Liz Senior is the new Scripture Union chaplain (Student Wellbeing Officer) at Koonung Secondary College, Mont Albert Nth. 

This is the first time that Koonung has had a school chaplain and Liz would love to build connections between NewHope and the school. She is looking for volunteers to assist at the school and bless the community.

They are looking for:

Someone to assist the Art Teacher

  • Displaying student’s artwork
  • Help with sorting out the storeroom
  • Ordering equipment
  • Working with the art students in the classroom 1:1
  • Maintaining the art classrooms to be visually stimulating
  • Coming into Arts Space to demo an art activity/skill/media/material

Someone to assist the French teacher

  • French speakers

Someone who knows how to do balloon sculpting and could do a one-off workshop at the school

Koonung is a 7-minute car drive, so close to the church.

Liz says, “If members of the congregation have talents and abilities, they think would be useful to the school, and some free time, I’d love to hear from you. Maybe you are a retired teacher, or good at maths or have a passion for a particular sport. The school would greatly value your assistance and we could use this to build a bridge between the school and the church.”

If you would like to speak with Liz about volunteering, or just learn more about her role at Koonung Secondary, please email news@newhope.net.au and we will put you in touch.

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