October is Mental Health Month

Published on October 9, 2024

October is Mental Health Month and Whitehorse Churches Care are hosting four special workshops to benefit members of our community at the Forest Hill Chase Community Space (level 2, opposite the Australia Post).

Each session will be on a Thursday night (from 7:00 to 8:30pm) and will provide information, skills and takeaways to help you and the people around you. You will learn tips from the professionals about how to better manage health, relationships and exercise.

3 October: How Occupational Therapy can Help your Mental Health (Naomi Smith)

10 October: Social Work in the Mental Health Space (Paula Anastasi)

17 October: Healthy Heart, Healthy Mind (Julie Kelly, Chaplain)

24 October: Mental Health and Exercise (Leo Wong, Physiotherapist)

Cost: $25 ($15 concession) per session.
Subsidised places available


Further Details:
Download the Brochure

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