On March 4, 2006, NewHope Chinese Ministry was founded and held its first service at Dale Court with just 15 people.
Over the last 19 years we have witnessed God’s faithfulness and grown to an average attendance of 102!
Key milestones include a change in worship time from Saturday night at 6pm, to Sunday at 9am in February 2022. We also celebrate the faithful leadership of various pastors, including the late Rev. Rebekah Tong, Pastor James Lin, Pastor Julia Pope, Pastor Jessen Yeoh and Worship Pastor, Christine Chew.
As we celebrate 19 years, let us rejoice in all that He has done to build and sustain us as a NewHope family. We look forward to continuing to lift up His name in worship, serve one another in love, and share the message of hope we have in Christ with those around us.
– Edmund Hu, NewHope Chinese Pastor