New Teaching Series: ‘Unveiled: An Exposition of The Book of Revelation’

Published on April 24, 2024

The Book of Revelation promises blessing to those who study it and respond to its message (Rev 1:3). It exposes God’s heart and unveils ‘things to come’. It makes a bold call to costly discipleship and offers practical hope and guidance. 

Because it is full of strange images, riddles and puzzles, ancient concepts, and politically incorrect notions, it can be a challenge to read and obey. It may help to think of it as a modern art gallery. When you visit such a gallery with a passionate and well trained guide you increase your chances of coming away feeling greatly blessed and changed. That’s what we are praying for as we study The Book of Revelation in term two. 

To help set the stage, our Senior Pastor Allan, will give a one-off lecture on 8 May 2024. You can register HERE. And our teaching team are all reading a great expository study of The Book of Revelation by Darrell Johnson called ‘Discipleship on the Edge’. You can find it at AMAZON and do your own deeper study alongside the teaching series. 

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