Join us on Sunday the 3rd of November for the launch of a new teaching series: Sacred Memories
When we remember God’s actions in the past we see an outline of the future God offers. It is a future that we must embrace by obeying God and walking together in faith. Memories of all types drive our behaviour, but sacred memories – God moments – shape our discipleship. Remembering well helps us live well.
After the exiles returned to Jerusalem, rebuilt the wall and began to settle, they assembled and asked Ezra to read the Scriptures aloud to them. He did. And the people were overcome. He then declares it to be a sacred day (a holy day = a holiday). The people feasted and devoted themselves to a good future. (Neh 8:1-12)
This Advent, Christmas and Summertime our worship gatherings will recall sacred memories. With great joy we will remember, with tears we will repent and change, with abundant hope we will look forward to all that God has in store for us in 2025. May God turn our holidays into ‘holy-days’ like we have never experienced before.
Join with us, in person or online, each Sunday of this series – November 2024 through January 2025. You can also catch up on current and past series on our Teaching Page.