Food Pantry Donations

Published on April 24, 2024

Our Food Pantry runs because of generous donations made by our NewHope community – that’s you!

We’re putting the call out for items to top up our shelves, ready to bless those in need.

There are donation points located at each of NewHope’s entrances, which can be accessed during office hours. We welcome donations of non-perishable food items and toiletries.

Please consider choosing items from this list of our most needed items:

Tea & Coffee
Long life milk
Tinned fruits & vegetables
Tinned meat
Tinned soup
Ready made sauces
Instant meals
Savoury/sweet snacks
Muesli bars
Toilet paper
Dishwashing liquid
Laundry powder/liquid
Hand soap

Thank you for partnering with us to make a difference!

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