Family Notice Board – October 2024

Published on October 9, 2024

Chris Pittendrigh passed away on the 1st of October at the age of 85. Chris was a long standing member and previously on staff at NewHope. We rejoice in the knowledge that Chris is now fully whole and healed in heaven. Please uphold the family in prayer, especially Heather his wife. A Thanksgiving Service celebrating Chris’ life will be held at NewHope on Monday the 14th of October at 2pm. The service will also be live-streamed and details can be found here.

John Nicholson passed away on the 30th of September at the age of 85. John was a previous member of NewHope and known by many in our congregation. Our prayers are with his wife Lorraine, children Julie, Peter and Gary, their partners and grand children. A Thanksgiving Service will be held on Friday the 11th of October, 2pm at Le Pine Box Hill.

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